I came across this site and thought maybe someone would find it useful here.
Just thought I ask. I always loved Object Bar. Although I never released the themes I made for the first one, I hope to convert them to Object Bar 2 and add features. Anybody else have plans for OB2
I have always wondered since I have seen the new iMac that why does PC cases have to be so boring. many manerfacturers act like they just can't come up with a design that will fit in the office and living room. Sorry, I don't want a square box case with wood paneling... I don't call that design. But the link I saw on Digg.com is something more to the point. MAKE THAT PLEASE!!!
I know someof you might not thing that is really anything to write about, but for me, its great. I actually had a person looking at my work. I felt a little gratified. I have a few web projects online that I have been working on for 2 years. I finally seem to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and might have full working versions of my sites in a few months. So having someone on my site for the time they were on it was pretty cool. I really worked hard on it. It called Anno...
Well, have you? I don't actually NEED to use an online dating service, but I thought I would give it a shot. I got 2 spammers and a special person... i don't know if its a real person or somone trying to con me. Check this out. Today I was asked if I could do her a favor. This favor is to pick up a check from some 'company' and then send it through Western Union. Now this is what I can not figure out: If I own a business and I want to send money internationally, then why can't the ...
Yahoo has made some purchases that many wondered why they were doing it. Many guesses... I am starting to see something in the works. Yahoo now has a rival map service that is like MSN and Google and they are pushing the use of their API's. Yahoo bought UpComing.org and now guess what? There is a web 2.0 application merging Yahoo Maps beta, UpComing and Flash 8.0. MashUpcoming.com http://www.MashUpcoming.com Here are some properties Yahoo bought: Flickr UpComing.org Konfabulator ...
If you don't know what Upcoming.org is, its sort of like a social calenar program. From what I have seen, it is mostly used to show off events, not personal stuff (like I see on MySpace) Yahoo buys Konfabulator, now Upcoming... what is next? Listal? Stardock? (no I think Google will buy them out)
I posted this on a thread a few minutes ago: What happens when you technically 'blow the whistle' on something you, they, him and her know is a life endangering situation??? You get fired or 'laid off'. Well why don't you ust sue them then? Civil lawsuits are NOT easy. Right now, I am going to be part of one shortly against a company that: A) Put my life at danger didn't investigate harrassment charges C) didn't investigate life endangering claims that they actually KNEW about b...
For those of you who pay attention to the page rank (like I do... it entertaining!) know that it is not updated to much and it not why your page comes in before another one. The link is a good read. What I found WAY more interesting is that someone mentions creating a non-search engine that is a collection of links (a post made by hugo guzman) to gage the worthiness of a web page. That might work as much as Wikipedia seems to work. http://www.wikipedia.org MY personal experiment on S...
I can't seem to sign in. I notice that the site now uses the users nickname and password for signing in. Is that what I should put in the 'email' area of the account infomation? Same problem with Wincustomize Browser as well. It might just be me because my account is all funny with a cross reference with another account.
Skinning and digital art seem to just becoming more and more mainstream. WinCustomize has a Japanese version, new skinners and artists on many different sites, Skinartisrty has a tutorial class in a few days, WinCustomize added personal user pages... what else can happen in the future? Well... Look at the Save This.com folder created just for The Art and Skin Report As some of you might know, a report is coming out about desktop customization (skinning) and digital art....
Skinning and digital art seem to just becoming more and more mainstream. WinCustomize has a Japanese version, new skinners and artists on many different sites, Skinartisrty has a tutorial class in a few days, WinCustomize added personal user pages... what else can happen in the future? Well... Look at the Save This.com folder created just for The Art and Skin Report As some of you might know, a report is coming out about desktop customization (skinning) and digital art. T...
Many of you have blogs here because you’re either in the tech world, on the web a lot, use Joe User.com, or have a WinCustomize account. If you want to get your content know to the rest of the blog world there are many websites that help you do it. Bloglines.com is nice because you can have a place that is on-line with RSS feeds to blogs over the Internet. You can easily see who subscribes to any particular blog the most. It also works with FireFox web browser. BlogPulse.com is nice too. I...
While Blog Navigator is like other stand alone RSS feeders, the big difference is that if you have a Stardock account or a Joe User account (most of you reading this I gather), you can truly use such a piece of software on your system. Using Blog Navigator, you can do more and, of course, with Blog Navigator Pro you can do more than more. With Pluck http://www.pluck.com You can look for all types of feeds, create feeds, share your RSS feeds with others as well as your web links. A...
Save This is a wonderful site that allows you to save links of web pages you wish to visit again or just want to store for further analysis later on it servers. Its easy to sort through because of its ability to sort by date, name or type (I prefer date). Being that it shows the link name and a brief comment underneath, you can use Google Toolbar to search through the page for specific words, phrases or dates. If there is any confusion to what I am writing, check out my how to use...