What is this about not liking Flash?? Flash is great, Flash is rich, Flash can be so.... flashy. As a web surfer I know that flash is the way of the web especaily now with advertising. But is it possible to make a website with flash and not know what the heck your doing??? I think it is possible and it happeneds far to often to count. As a designer myself and as a person who has trained inside of school and out, (nothing beats working in a team or in a atmospher where you can learn from ...
Pay Pal and WellsFargo are planning to team-up so to help with Pay Pal's credibility as far as being the in between sellers and buyers. Pay Pal in it's past, has used other back end support but the announcement to go with WellsFargo will hopefully give them more credibility as far as the credit car companies are concerned. At this present time Pay Pal has some trouble with having some risky businesses use them fro fraud (In particular Gambling and Porn sites) and also having some good...
I just read an articla on how businesses publish thier data. It would seem that pushing the style of accounting to the edge is what made companies like Enron, Tyco and WorldCom implode with fraud. This artical focuses on Tyco for an example of aggressive accounting and points out that there is only a yes or a no for there approval of thier numbers: "The explanation for this gulf is fairly simple. While the accounting rules allow for interpretations ranging from conservative to aggr...
I personally am thinking about a web site for myself. It would be nice to put what I believe in, community wise as well as business wise, on line and make some sort of money for the work I and others are putting into the site to provide the data your looking for. I have been thinking of how advertising should actually be more profitable because of the fact that so many people see your ad and quite frankly that is what it is really about, as oppossed to a click through. Much like news ...
I would seem that Pay Pal, the chioce for internet buying and selling has been bought out. I have to admit I thought Pay Pal was a cut and run operation that should not be trusted. It would seem many credit card companies thought so too. But with there teaming up with Brinks (if I am not mistaken) they are trying to sure up the credit fraud disputes and lawsiuts against them. Now being bought out by eBay, they will merge with a respected (somewhat) business. Will that mean Pay Pal is ...
I have been thinking hard on this subject being that I am a fan of 3D online worlds and avatars. But having a slow dail up makes things just a little if not allot, annoying. What I do usually is go to a high speed connection at school or work and download all the areas I want to go to as fast as I can so when I get home, I have all the images. I always thought the future of websurfing would be avatars and 3D on line webpages and stores. As you walk through the site you meet other peop...
Artist Of The Week Chad Ross aka Chadamus is on of the best artists for desktop customization (skinning) on the net. I have been following Mr. Ross for a number of skins. One that caught my eye was Blueprint. Maybe I liked it because it felt so much like Architecture or because it was just good... maybe it was because it was blue. I seem to like blue. (apparently so does the skin community... Mostly blue skins) I can tell you right now the one that pulled me in was Work While B...
Hello everyone! I am proud to announce that I will be opening my website on November 21, 2003. I will have many cool items on there and I hope that you will be educated as well as entertained by them. I am currently looking for artists, designers, skinners to be featured as the Featured Artist of the Week *FAOTW* or *FAW* and I need permission to post an image (mini-preview) of your work to show what you have done. (Links to your site/work on-line will be put up as well) Als...
Toon XP is orange, with reds and blues as highlights here and there... Its not mostly gray, or blue. It does not have a nice slim interface... Yet it is one of the best suites out there. Could it be the fact that we all love cartoons or have seen them? It could be the bright colors that are entrenched in most societies minds as funny, friendly and even bring back memories. It could be that its just fun to look at. What ever it is (Think over all GUI design it is a great piece of ...
There are so many out there. Reading an artical on what Microsoft plans on doing to its messenger service on Beta News I read about so many IM clients that I never heard of but seem to be popular (well some of them) Here is the story: http://www.betanews.com/article.php3?sid=1061456252 This comment should actually be about how Microsoft went from, "Hey AOL has the total market share, they should open up so others can get in!" to , "Hey we want to close our servers because it is ...
A article posted by Frogboy caught my eye: https://www.wincustomize.com/newsBoard.asp?ID=1819 And I just has to go into it further. With customization being the thing we do for fun, what if 40 or 50 years (or sooner) it become part of our work life? What if we go to work and are to use our brains to come up with ways to work in a better enviorment? Knowledge workers is what most employees are now expecting. Soon they will expect you to learn the new short cuts on your PC/MAC/Lin...
As the world turns and people become aware that over design almost never works, the idea of customizing your own space or tool has become more common place. There were Architectural movments about being more 'humanistic', there was a period in time where paintings and art culture (in fact many periods) were about the human form and the surounding area relating to that form. Computers? Never! We need uniformity!! It would seem though that much like other movements in any piticular a...
I guess this would tie into my plan for a summit of web designers, advertisers, website administrators to make a unified effort to make the internet a better place to be, more thought out advertising, better designed WebPages, and more insightful information. I would guess the beginning of this would be online news. I always felt the New York Times and Google was a good model, apparently this article make light of what I saw as a better way to advertise, better web design, cross marketing, an...
I just read an articla on how businesses publish thier data. It would seem that pushing the style of accounting to the edge is what made companies like Enron, Tyco and WorldCom implode with fraud. This artical focuses on Tyco for an example of aggressive accounting and points out that there is only a yes or a no for there approval of thier numbers: "The explanation for this gulf is fairly simple. While the accounting rules allow for interpretations ranging from conservative to aggr...
Skinning and digital art seem to just becoming more and more mainstream. WinCustomize has a Japanese version, new skinners and artists on many different sites, Skinartisrty has a tutorial class in a few days, WinCustomize added personal user pages... what else can happen in the future? Well... Look at the Save This.com folder created just for The Art and Skin Report As some of you might know, a report is coming out about desktop customization (skinning) and digital art. T...