Citizen Adamness just to do not pay each time you scan for viruses...once you have the proggy, just as you do not pay each time you have your GUI skinned...once you have the proggy....
Just as you pay to have updates to your scanner software to improve its currency/worth so, too 'should' you expect to pay to have newer, additional skins to apply to your GUI.
Quite a good parallel, really...
WinCustomize doesn't make Stardock. People can get skins at plenty of other sites besides
For the money Stardock currently spends to subsidize WinCustomize it could pay for prime time television advertisements. Or heck, it could pay a couple of skin authors full time to just make skins and themes and put the results on the actual Stardock website.
You don't need 3000 skins or 3000 wallpaper or whatever to have a good customization program. The site exist to help promote a cool community of skinners, artists, developers.
Besides, the issue isn't with people who bought Object Desktop and download skins. The issue is that we have 3 million plus unique visitors visiting the site. Probably a good 500,000 of them visit the site several times per month.
The solution is going to require some statistical analysis. That is, figuring out who are visitors are in more detail. The only people who can really be expected to pay for something are the ones currently using the site a lot but aren't contributing.
You can't expect a one-time visitor to pay $20 just to download a wallpaper. What we need to do, for starters, is focus on the people who visit every day and download skins and themes but don't ever upload skins or pay for software or buy a subscription. THOSE people can be focused on.
The others, the ones who only visit the site once or twice a month or year can be targeted as well but not with subscription but via advertising.
If we could get our monthly subscription level to merely 500 per month on average and get the site to making $15,000 in advertising and try eliminate some of the bandwidth cost through either restrictions or fewer users then we could afford to bring in more people to help manage the site.
The problem the site currently faces is that it's run on such a shoe-string. A site like this hould have 3 dedicated, full-time people who do nothing but work on tihs site. deviantART (according to spyed) has something like 15 people who do nothing but work on that website as their jobs.
So the first step is to tweak things to get the site to be viable as-is. Then the next step is to look at growth opportunities.
I don't think any of the mechanisms are likely to affect people who bought Object Desktop at all. It may affect people who bought stand-alone programs a bit in the longer term (i.e. unlimited downloads only for content that corresponds for your program). But we'll see.