ethsza and large, a skinning site is not a news portal...and has higher bandwidth usage per capita due to file/content downloading, not just page loading. Banner ads, etc years ago had the capacity to fund a considerable proportion of even a skin site's costing...but those of us who witnessed the demise of our collective 'roots'....[] thanks significantly to the collapse of the 'dot com' silver-tongued devils... banner ads won't make sufficient inroads into the costs of a site of this size/popularity/loading....returns per 'click' are several orders of magnitude lower than they once were...
Your analogy about the beach is off target. If the car/petrol one doesn't work for you...try a Photocopier....and additional paper....or a camera...and additional film.
Either have options of how/where you obtain the paper/film....but in most [all] cases you will be paying for the 'consumables'.
A camera never comes with a lifetime supply of film [excluding single-use ones]. Windowblinds [the proggy] should not be expected to come with a lifetime supply of skins in exactly the same manner.
You buy the comes with default/included skins....a dozen or so.
You want more? pay to access pay for net pay for time spent pay for site hosting charges aka bandwidth/site coding costs.
It's a user-pays economy model which is the only one that is sustainable.
You pay.
You don't don't pay.
You don't want to don't get.
Nothing in this life is entirely 'free'. Everything has a 'price', even that which appears 'free' is not. There's a cost to someone, somewhere.....for everything...