Here is an article form on of my favorite blogs, Slate. He speaks to how there were no more terrorist attacks in America is more likely because of better surveillance and good police teamwork. some of his views I agree with while others I don't. what I agree with: An attack is years or months in the making. The greatest blow to al-Qaida has come from the removal of its haven in Afghanistan and the disruption of the permissive environment it enjoyed in numerous countries. what I don't ...
Anifanatics everywhere should appreciate good comedy, or sarcasm, when it lifts its head. Political Cartoons are no exception to this. Cox and Forkum new blog post clears the air on feminist revolution in a world of terrorism: Image Source: Cox and Forkum (From Home To Grave)
I just found this, and I have to admit I think I saw it before but didn't care. Anyway, its cool and maybe someone else would like to know about it.
Is JoeUser ever going to allow a user to have multiple blog groups? Like at least 4? I know having too many can be bothersome as one person will have all these groups. Me, I need it for fun and for personal business. I want to use the blog technology for some things (like weddings, parties and way more other stuff) Is there a pay feature coming soon? Is Blog Navigator that feature?
Can someone help me out? I seem to be a little lost today.
Source: New York Times MONEY AND BUSINESS/FINANCIAL DESK | June 22, 2003, Sunday Executive Life; The Corporate Blog Is Catching On By THOM WEIDLICH (NYT) 1009 words Late Edition - Final , Section 3 , Page 12 , Column 1 DISPLAYING FIRST 50 OF 1009 WORDS - CORPORATE executives aren't known as the spill-their-guts type. But some are beginning to participate in an activity once thought to be the preserve of technology geeks and political ... Executives are beginning to ......
Hello I am just wondering what the statis is on having more than on group blog to one account. As of now the limit is one. I read that eventually there will be more for paying customers so I am wondering if this is on its way to becoming a reality as of yet. I would love to make another sub-account and manage it all under my main account. If it helps any, I bought the winCustomize broswer.
Hello everyone! I am proud to announce that I will be opening my website on November 21, 2003. I will have many cool items on there and I hope that you will be educated as well as entertained by them. I am currently looking for artists, designers, skinners to be featured as the Featured Artist of the Week *FAOTW* or *FAW* and I need permission to post an image (mini-preview) of your work to show what you have done. (Links to your site/work on-line will be put up as well) Also on...
I have been thoroughly looking for work for the last year and a half. I save up some money for school doing odd end jobs and today just when I can start to get that very much needed IT degree (I am switching, allbeit at a bad time in the economy, from Architecture to technology) in my background to move foward. Now I have to wait again and plus it would seem that the program is being fazed out of my school. So now I have to make some hard choices. Pay more for classes I can't offord or just...