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What, you thought this was just about cartoons? Video games are on the forefront of animation as well and this game is definitely something to take a look at. So your the wheel-man again? Making the criminals pay are you? 150 miles of city scape to browse through? You can make your own animated movie with this game! maybe a lovers quarrel, or a trip to the store and BANG! Action Galore!!!

From CNN Game Review:
Review: Late-model 'Driv3r' needs repair work
By Marc Saltzman
Gannett News Service
Friday, July 9, 2004 Posted: 11:55 AM EDT (1555 GMT)

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of Marc Saltzman, a freelance technology journalist whose reviews also appear on the Gannett News Service

If you enjoy the thrill of a good car chase, you might want to step behind the wheel of "Driv3r," the latest installment in the top-selling and award-winning "Driver" series of 3-D adventure games.

The new title, available now for Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox and Windows PCs, once again has you assume the role of Tanner, a tough undercover cop and master "wheelman" who pairs with partner Tobias to penetrate a global car-theft ring and identify a buyer who has ordered 40 stolen vehicles.

If you're familiar with the "Grand Theft Auto" series, you'll be at home in "Driv3r." It's packed with expansive city environments that feature 150 miles of highways, city streets, dirt roads and alleys to test your driving prowess. As in any major city, the roads are bustling with traffic and pedestrians, and more than 35,000 buildings are rendered with stunning detail. The game's three destinations are Miami, Florida; Istanbul, Turkey; and Nice, France

For more about this game and the CNN review, click on the link.

on Aug 01, 2004
Heh... one of the most disappointing games to come out in a long time, and CNN makes it sound like roses until the last couple of lines.

Good grief...

Buy Spider-Man 2, or if you're that set on driving around violently, just buy another copy of GTA:VC. Burnout 3 is looking real nice too...
on Aug 01, 2004
I love Burnout 2! GTA anything is great and Spider-Man II is on my rental wish list.

Hopefully Mommy will buy me Spider-Man for Christmas.