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Corporate Finance, Social Policy
Published on July 28, 2004 By joetheblow In Business

CEO pay hikes double

Corporate Library survey finds median raise for S&P 500 CEO was 22.18% in 2003.
July 28, 2004: 8:34 AM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The CEO's at the nation's largest companies saw their raises more than doubled in 2003 as the median raise handed out by S&P 500 companies to their top executives was 22.18 percent, according to a study by The Corporate Library.

The watchdog group said that stock options and awards of restricted stock drove the larger pay hikes. But most elements of the pay -- base salary, annual bonuses, restricted stock, long-term incentive payout, value realized from stock options and total compensation -- showed increases. The only type of compensation not to show a gain was the value of stock option grants during the year.

"This double-digit rise in pay shows that calls for pay restraint appear to be being ignored," said the statement from the group.

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on Jul 28, 2004
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