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Employee Burnout Symptoms and Remedies
Published on July 25, 2004 By joetheblow In Business
SOURCE: Netscape Careers and Jobs

Job Burnout: Symptoms and Remedies
By Kate Lorenz, editor

Today's work culture of heavy workloads, longer days at the office, less time spent at home and fewer vacation days taken is causing rampant job burnout. In fact, 68 percent of workers report feeling burned out at the office, according to a recent survey.

So what are some symptoms you're suffering from job burnout? Mary Rose Remington, author of Career Quest, a Practical and Spiritual Guide To Finding Your Life's Passion (Heartwood Publishing), says there are 10 signs that it's close to quitting time - concrete indicators that you are "crispy."

1. Sunday evenings depress you.
2. The quality of your work has suffered, but you don't care.
3. You arrive consistently late to work.
4. You call in sick when healthy.
5. You've become emotionally distant from your coworkers.
6. Your job has taken a toll on your mental and/or physical health to the point where friends and family have expressed concern.
7. Upon hearing rumors of layoffs, you pray, "Please, God, take me!"
8. You don't have enough work to keep busy, but lack motivation to seek new assignments.
9. Time drags and you constantly watch the clock.
10. The lights around your desk or workspace burn out frequently.

Career and Life-Transition Coach Leslie Godwin says that those who suffer from burnout fall into three categories. She identifies them in her book From Burned Out to Fired Up: A Woman's Guide to Rekindling the Passion and Meaning in Work and Life (HCI Books)....

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