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WinCustomize Knowledge Board
Links To Info on the Message Board: RAW Format
Published on July 5, 2004 By
Article Link
If you have the Google Toolbar you can search for words by highlighting them to look for specific topics I have collected around the net over the course of almost a year.
In RAW Format
means its just a list of links in no order and with no description.
1) Most of the links are on current/past events, science, technology, art, business, political/social, and education. Basically things I am interested in.
2) Future links will be posted here in RAW format and some chosen links will be posted with snippets of what it is about.
3) I will also have this on my website in a lesser form and more full length articles on the links and relating stories for easier searching after 08/20/2004
The Links: RAW Format
1WinCustomize The fix for Toolbars and Animations not working! Please sticky or FAQ this for future reference!
GNU General Public License - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
Making Windows work better - A JoeUser Article
Stardock Object Desktop - DesktopX
WinCustomize Skinner's Gallery
WinCustomize 100 pieces of Spyware
WinCustomize a 96k GAME!!! in DirectX 9!
WinCustomize A Group Skin Project
WinCustomize A little trip into the Registry...
WinCustomize A poor person's find
WinCustomize AAARGH!! Stop snapping to grid in DX
WinCustomize AdAware SE released... (still free)
WinCustomize AMBER Alert for websites
WinCustomize Anybody ever been a model
WinCustomize Anybody use Dogpile as their toolbar
WinCustomize Backup
WinCustomize BootSkin - Problems installing skins Click here.
WinCustomize BootSkins - yet another thread....
WinCustomize BootSkins for all
WinCustomize Calling all PC experts - Saving image problem...
WinCustomize cant get fonts to work in win constermize
WinCustomize cant stop IconX from loading with windows
WinCustomize CD-R's or CD-RW's which is best for long term storage
WinCustomize Color Question - SkinStudio
WinCustomize Combining ObjectBar w- ObjectDock...
WinCustomize Converting Msstyles to WindowBlinds visual styles
WinCustomize Corel Bryce 5
WinCustomize Create a Windows XP Installation CD with SP2 already in place.
WinCustomize CursorXP and XP SP2
WinCustomize Dark LuNA
WinCustomize Delete zip files
WinCustomize Dell Dimension XPS w-20.1 in 2001FP Dell Ultrasharp™ Digital Flat Panel Display
WinCustomize DeskMod site and your on cobination of site themes
WinCustomize Desktop X Save As theme doesn't save
WinCustomize Desktop X wigets.... I don't understand
WinCustomize Desktop X XMLweatherbg script error help
WinCustomize DesktopX resolution independence
WinCustomize Does anybody go to other message boards like Skin IT or blachole And do you have a weblog
WinCustomize EMERGENCY How to disable Logon to be able to boot
WinCustomize Exposè
WinCustomize find out about these companies before you hand over credit card information
WinCustomize free 3D rendering program
WinCustomize From Video tape to .wmv, results not pretty
WinCustomize Go Back by Roxio vs. XP's Restore
WinCustomize Got a Mod Seen a Mod Built a Mod Want a Mod
WinCustomize GRRRRRRRR!! WindowBlinds Animations
WinCustomize GUI League of Designers Association
WinCustomize GUI Olympics 2004 - It's Official!
WinCustomize Having an account, still getting nag screen...
WinCustomize Help ! Redirecting IP and WB to store themes on the other partition
WinCustomize Help
WinCustomize HEX COLOR
WinCustomize hey, does anybody use powerpoint
WinCustomize HG_Eliminator - Turtle Soup 2
WinCustomize hi, how to get the original windows xp skin back
WinCustomize How come nobody has a Celron processor
WinCustomize How do you convert an Icon Package into separate invidual .png's
WinCustomize How do you zip a WMP
WinCustomize How to remove alienwarese theme
WinCustomize I am going to unistall Windowblinds! I wasted my 50 bucs!
WinCustomize I want to purcahse Object Desktop.. just one question about the trial versions
WinCustomize I'll Hold My Breathe Until I Turn Blue Skin Request Thread
WinCustomize iconX problem
WinCustomize IMPORTANT! Re Requesting skins
WinCustomize Installation aborted (failed)
WinCustomize Is Object Media as easy to skin as DX is
WinCustomize is there any other way to purchase or renew ObjectDesktop without using a credit card
WinCustomize Javascript Text banner Can anyone help me
WinCustomize Know your rights and the laws in your land -- Little unknown laws thread
WinCustomize Making a wallpaper with 3dstudiomax
WinCustomize Manually change explorer toolbar icons
WinCustomize Message Board Games The Lurker.
WinCustomize Message Board Games The Smurfs
WinCustomize Missing separator
WinCustomize Musical vision!
WinCustomize Need A Better Understanding of OD+ background tags
WinCustomize Need fast ansawer, how can i find city codes
WinCustomize Now THIS is what I was looking for Frozen CPU
WinCustomize Object Dock My Network Places
WinCustomize Object Dock, downloading new objects to where
WinCustomize Objectdock 1.0 eats up 100% of my CPU on a Win2k SP4 PC when I start apps
WinCustomize ObjectDock Plus....Tips''n Tricks
WinCustomize Off to college... any words of advice
WinCustomize OK, what does Photoshop CS really do
WinCustomize Old Crabs Skunk War..........
WinCustomize One drive or two, which is better
WinCustomize Optimization - Why do skin designers ignore it
WinCustomize People need to chill
WinCustomize Phase Out web browser...
WinCustomize Poll 3000 votes and the winner is...
WinCustomize Popup Madness on this site
WinCustomize Problem with loading some sites both IE and Maxthon.
WinCustomize Problem with Windows Blinds since SP2
WinCustomize Question for iTunes users. . .
WinCustomize Rainlendar............new version out NOW
WinCustomize Random Skin
WinCustomize REALLY customizing MS Multimedia keyboard.
WinCustomize Registry cleanup program
WinCustomize Screenshot section
WinCustomize Skinning Blogging starting
WinCustomize Skins & Visual Styles ScreenShots Library
WinCustomize Skins & Visual Styles Skin Library - farid nafar
WinCustomize Skins & Visual Styles Skin Library - kenwas
WinCustomize Skinstudio's splash screen...
WinCustomize Small problem with SP2 and Wincustomize site
WinCustomize Something really special.....
WinCustomize Stardock Central Hangs after installing new build.
WinCustomize Stardock Central
WinCustomize Stupid person needs HELP
WinCustomize Task Manager
WinCustomize The fix for Toolbars and Animations not working! Please sticky or FAQ this for future reference!
WinCustomize The Rating System is going to be changing..
WinCustomize The Un-Official WindowBlinds-SkinStudio Documentation Project
WinCustomize Toolbar menus skining only classic colors
WinCustomize Toon XP users.
WinCustomize Virtua Memory too low
WinCustomize WB illegal
WinCustomize WB Skins not showing my XP User Picture
WinCustomize We don''t need no stinkin'' web animations!
WinCustomize What is the rss feed to this site
WinCustomize What's the point Why have the site at all
WinCustomize Which is the fastest browser
WinCustomize Why does such a dignified web site has such a modest forum!
WinCustomize Why don't icons from Icon Packager don't show up fine in all open- save as dialog properly
WinCustomize Wincustomize Friends
WinCustomize WindowBlinds 4.38
WinCustomize WindowBlinds 4.5 additions
WinCustomize Windowblinds themes for the visually impaired
WinCustomize WindowsXP SP2 Microsoft start the Ball, rolling...
WinCustomize WinXp SP2+WindowBlinds No taskbar skin
WinCustomize XP Pro
WinCustomize XP, Object Desktop, and Various Accounts
WinCustomize You and the Internet
WinCustomize You guys can kiss my A
WinCustomize ___________The SkinClinic__________
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