I personally am thinking about a web site for myself. It would be nice to put what I believe in, community wise as well as business wise, on line and make some sort of money for the work I and others are putting into the site to provide the data your looking for.
I have been thinking of how advertising should actually be more profitable because of the fact that so many people see your ad and quite frankly that is what it is really about, as oppossed to a click through. Much like news papers or billboards, it is about being seen. But on the net, that stategy seems so far fetched for some reason even though being seen is what happens. (But that is another news story for later)
There has been talk of subscriptions for web sites. A possible money maker? Perhaps... but much like advertising basically in screwed up by lack of real design, strategy, placement, and over all thought (flash is not the end to be all in design for ads OR web pages), subscritptions can be the same without a strategy, design, placement and so on.
Then there is internet dateing (which is the main reason why I am writing this). People pay for it, and they basically get from 10 to 20 dollars a month. Talk about a subscription that works!!! But I want people who want to use subscriptions to see that there is a design to it. A newspaper or infomation site might not be able to do the same thing, not so much becuse there is so much free infomation or data out there, but because if I have to buy it, it better be worth it.
So haveing a subscription HAS TO BE WORTH IT!!! It has to do something more than just be a portal to all content on your site (much like what the dating sites do but they are different).
My personally hope is that there can be a consensus of sites that will come together and try to provide a way of unifing a strategy for beter design of sites as well as how to use subscritpions (and not over kill it, once again that is waht happened with ads). Maybe this consensus of sites can also form a better stategy for advertising (and getting paid for advertising by advertisers instead of getting stiffed for thier money).
What do you think?